Rules are important, by playing on Vanilla Multiplayer you agree to the following...


  • Griefing is allowed. If you didn’t claim it, it isn’t yours—this includes actions taken by players you’ve trusted to your claim. Claims are automatically unclaimed after 30 days of inactivity. Mass griefing, such as mass terraforming, cobble monsters, or similar, is NOT allowed. Violators will face a 1-day ban. Griefing is not encouraged though to preserve the history of builds.


  • PvP is allowed across the server. Chunk owners are the only players permitted to PvP within their own claims.

Chat Rules

  • Keep chat spam low. Violations will be handled as follows: First offense: 24-hour mute. Second offense: 30-day mute. Further violations: Permanent mute. Respectful communication is required; unwanted behavior will not be tolerated (see section 6).
If you see someone breaking the rules, report the player with a screenshot in the #player-reports channel on our Discord.

Hacking and Exploiting

  • Hacks, cheats, and unfair modifications that provide an advantage or more information than a vanilla player has are strictly forbidden. Violators will face an immediate ban. Exploiting server glitches to gain an advantage is prohibited and will result in a ban.
  • Intentionally causing lag (e.g., lag machines or spamming lag-heavy mechanics) is not allowed and will result in a ban.

Behavior and Toxicity

  • Unwanted behavior, including but not limited to the following, is not allowed: Explicit forms of bullying. Repetitive use of derogatory terms. Comments encouraging self-harm. Inciting violence or explicit hate speech against racial or social minorities. Explicit sexual discussions or references. Toxicity is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and staff decisions are final. Repeated violations will result in warnings, mutes, and potentially permanent bans.

Sharing Personal Information

  • Sharing personal information or identities of others without their explicit permission is strictly forbidden. This includes: Full names, real-life photos, phone numbers, addresses, social media links, school/work locations, family relations, and IP addresses. Leveraging personal information in a threatening or manipulative way will result in a permanent ban.
  • Malicious links, such as viruses or IP loggers, are strictly forbidden. Links promoting rule-breaking behavior (e.g., Discord links containing malicious or prohibited content) are not allowed. Links to sexual or extremely violent/disturbing content are strictly prohibited. Other links are generally allowed but may be filtered by the spam system.


  • Advertising unrelated to Vanilla Multiplayer is not allowed.

Warp Names

  • Warp names must adhere to the following guidelines: No toxic, sexual, or slur-related names. Violations will result in a ban.